Research and Analysis of Media

Copywriting a media research company’s marketing booklet


Research and Analysis of Media (RAM) is a media research company dedicated to helping broadcasters, advertisers, and advertising agencies optimize their content and advertisements by using data to give them a clearer picture of their audience. RAM’s sales team found that their in-person meetings with prospective clients were going well, but wanted to leave behind more than a good impression. So they asked me to help them write a booklet to summarize RAM’s value proposition.

I worked closely with RAM’s President of Sales and Marketing in the Americas, Ola, who believes strongly that RAM’s products and services are the best in the industry, but that his competitors had more effective language in their marketing. When describing the tone he wanted in the booklet, he often used the word “bold.” I spent extensive time with RAM’s previous marketing materials as well as their competitors. To complement the bold language Ola wanted and ensure it remained credible, I prioritized making the message relatable — demonstrating to prospective clients that we knew the challenges and limitations they were facing and were confident we could provide effective solutions. You can read the results in the images of each page of the booklet below.

If you’d like to check out RAM’s website you can find it here.

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